Our Mission

Our Mission

“We are a humanitarian Organization dedicated to save lives, improving health, alleviate poverty and suffering”

ARDF is a National First Responders:

We deliver emergency medical, protection, WASH and Food security and livelihood, and related services to those affected by conflict, disaster and disease, no matter where they are, no matter what the conditions. We also train people in their communities, providing them with the skills they need to recover, chart their own path to self-reliance and become effective first responders themselves.

ARDF is a strong development partner:

We work with our thematic line ministries, States authorities, Counties stakeholders, community leaders, Women, youths and other groups to strengthen health services provision, WASH services, Protection and FSL services to save lives, improving health alleviating poverty and suffering.

Our Vision

We envision a society where all vulnerable group including children and women enjoy secure, healthy, enlightened lives and responsive environment that promote their social, economic, cultural and moral development.

Core Values and Principles

ARDF Core Values and Principles ARDF Values
ARDF Values

Faith: The organization will always work faithfully with its beneficiaries, partners and donors.

Integrity and Professionalism: ARDF shall adhere to its policies and ensures professionalism; ethical codes and truthfulness are maintained. The organization will always ensure professional practices to maintain quality service delivery.

Governance and Stewardship: ARDF works to promote its policies and ensure that transparency and Accountability are maintained in all level of Management. In this principle, ARDF will always act timely in directing its resources, activities and timely handling administrative issues related to the Organization. As a result of our commitment to the communities we serve, through the establishment of productive working relationships and our pledge to operate openly and inclusively.

Empowerment: ARDF works to support underserved communities discover and claim their Social and economic needs.

Teamwork: All members of ARDF shall endeavor to promote the spirit of working as a team toward the realization of its vision, mission, goal and objectives.

ARDF Principles
African Relief and Development Foundation remain committed to the following Principles;

Humanity: ARDF addresses human suffering wherever it is found. Our humanitarian actions protect life, health and respect for human beings.

Neutrality: ARDF does not take sides in a conflict or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

Impartiality: ARDF’s humanitarian actions are based on need and prioritize the most urgent cases of distress. We make no distinctions about need on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political viewpoint.

Operational Independence: ARDF’s humanitarian actions are entirely autonomous of any political, economic, military or other objectives of its donors or other actors with an interest in the areas where our work is implemented.