ARDF is dedicated to saving lives through life saving emerging programmes including:
1. Emergency Health services provision.
- ARDF save lives through the provision of emergency primary health care interventions using Mobile medical Units ensuring community which are hard to reach, affected by conflict or floods have access to essential health care services. ARDF continue to strengthen the referral systems in all the Counties it operates, and finally strengthen community immunization outreaches ensuring child under the age of 5years are completely vaccinated against vaccines preventable diseases.
2. Emergency Protection program.
- Through our GBV program, ARDF continue to provide comprehensive live saving GBV activities include, Psychosocial support, clinical management of rape, counseling, provision of dignity kits and strengthening SGBV referral pathways.
3. WASH programs.
- Through our integrated WASH program, ARDF continues to save the lives of communities from water Wash diseases, Water borne disease through provision of clean and safe water for both drinking and domestic purposes. Activities under WASH program include rehabilitation of boreholes, establishment of water yards, conducting water quality test, provision of water guards for treatment of water. Alongside ensuring community access to clean and safe water, ARDF continue to improve the hygiene and sanitation of vulnerable population through, Community let total sanitation (CLTS) activities, Community sensitization